Okaikoi North sub Metro in perspective: Fear grips Alogboshie as rainy season approaches, Monday April 2, 2012, pg 28
A family is trapped in a slapdash wooden shack with corrugated tin roofs perched precariously on legs above the marshy edge of the open storm drain as the rain continued unabated. A group of bare-chested young men trudge through a flowing flood carrying a dead boar as the rains stream down. Broken walls, uprooted trees, flooded or marshy compounds, two dead bodies,a mother and five year-old child, removed under a broken wall. Life serves a menu of tragedies when the blue sky gives way to clouds and subsequently, the rains. For some residents of Alogboshie a neighbourhood in Achimota in the Okai Koi North sub-Metro, the rainy season is a period to plot either an exit plan or simply play into the hands of nature. “When the clouds begin to gather at night, we begin to think of where to send our mattresses, pillows and bags. Two things happen when the rains arrive; it’s either the compounds of our homes get flooded or our rooms are filled to the knee level.” “Be...